Hi Samuel

Very interesting, thanks for writing this.

I love to read your thoughts about the following.

As I understand it this is the first direct kinetic full scale war between the Muslim brotherhood (state/semi state or what have you) and the state of Israel since its foundation.

I keep hearing there’s nothing you can do to an Idea and than I remember about a Pan Arabism who was in direct competition with the Muslim Brotherhood until somewhere between 1967 to 1973…

In this context I think this is a war Israel needs to win By defeating Hamas.

The faster and more war against the brotherhood Israel win the more likely the Idea of Islamic restoration by wining wars will be put to bed in the internal Muslim civil/holy war (it’s also might explain the unhinged Turkish foreign affairs conduct led by Erdogan).

Any thoughts or pushbacks on this theory

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It really comes down to the political program associated with the post-war strategy to in some way defeat the idea. I think there are lessons to be learnt from the case of Imperial Japan, not all translate directly, but many do. It's not that you can eradicate ideas from individuals. After all, we still have Neo-Nazis walking the planet, but there are very few Germans who believe it would be a good idea to reestablish the Third Reich.

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How do Muslim Zionists explain their acceptance of the State of Israel if expansionism is a Muslim religious requirement?

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There is a change happening within the Muslim world, something I call the Axis of Renaissance being led by the Gulf. I wrote about it in another piece here: https://www.jpost.com/opinion/article-712048

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Islam is not a monolith. Muslim Zionism is a. very moderate, even liberal view. Expansionism and Muslim dominance is the extreme.

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